Prof Mirjam van Reisen
Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden University (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Mirjam van Reisen is Professor FAIR Data Science at Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden University and Professor International Relations, Innovation and Care at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Van Reisen is the PI of the Virus Outbreak Data Network Africa and Asia research project. Se is the Coordinator of the Research Netowrk Globalisation, Accessibility, Innovation and Care (GAIC). From 2016 – 2020 she was Professor Computing for Society at the Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) where she still teaches. She is also the founding director of Europe External Policy Advisors (EEPA), based in Brussels. Her books and publications can be accessed here: https://mirjamvanreisen.wordpress.com/.
All OAI12 Sessions by Prof Mirjam van Reisen
FAIR Data Science in Africa on COVID-19 Prevalence
VODAN Africa has pioneered FAIR-Data Science for clinical patient and science data on COVID prevalence in nine countries in Africa. The concept is based on data visiting of data held in residence, and/or with strict data ownership controls. A return of data benefits to point of care is an explicit part of the model. The technical execution is based on data visiting of distributed data over the internet. The data is produced as both human and machine-readable instances. A proof of concept was realised in September 2020 and a Minimal Viable Product will be tested in September 2021. The approach resolved critical issues of data management in view of GDPR and the need for increased data protection in Africa which has suffered from data extraction, including in relation to health data. The research is a project if the Virus Outbreak data Network (VODAN) – Africa and Asia. It is coordinated by Kampala International University. It received seed funding from the Philips Foundation and support from the Dutch Development Bank, Philips Foundation, Cordaid and the Go-FAIR Foundation.
Slides available here: https://zenodo.org/record/5482330