Dr habil Francesco Beretta
Research fellow (LARHRA, CNRS/Université de Lyon) (Lyon, France)
Francesco Beretta is a CNRS research fellow since 2005. He co-founded and headed from 2009 to 2020 the Digital History Research Team within the Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA CNRS UMR 5190 – Universités de Lyon et Grenoble). Specialist in the history of Roman Inquisition, intellectual history of catholicism and the history of science, he has taught at different universities in Fribourg (Switzerland) (venia legendi 1999), Lausanne, Paris (EPHE, EHESS), Lyon. He is lecturer in digital methodology for historical research at University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland). In digital humanities, his domains of competence are in the field of data modeling and curation, ontologies and semantic text encoding in XML/TEI. He contributed significantly to the establishment of the symogih.org and Data for History projects and is co-founder of the KleioLab company that has developed and hosts Geovistory, a virtual research environment for historical research. Publications.
All OAI12 Sessions by Dr habil Francesco Beretta
Making research data FAIR: the building of a CIDOC CRM extension for humanities and social sciences
This talk addresses the issue of interoperability of data generated by historical research in order to make them re-usable for new research agendas (as a realisation of the FAIR principles). The reasons for adopting the CIDOC CRM as a core ontology for this field, but extending it with some relevant, missing high-level classes, will be discussed while taking advantage of the methodological tools provided by the foundational ontologies DOLCE and DnS. Finally, the talk will show how collaborative data modelling carried out in the ontology management environment OntoME (ontome.net) makes it possible to elaborate a communal fine-grained and adaptive ontology of the domain.
Slides available here: https://zenodo.org/record/5468837