Dr Elena Giglia

Dr Elena Giglia

University of Turin (Turin, Italy)



Elena Giglia ORCID logo, PhD, Masters’ Degree in Librarianship and Masters’ Degree in Public Institutions Management, is Head of the Open Science Office at the University of Turin, which is currently partner in 2 Horizon2020 projects (OPERAS-P; ISPAS) and was involved in Horizon2020 HIRMEOS and OpenAIRE advance.
She has been part of the European Open Science network since many years, attending national and international conferences, and writing and lecturing on Open Access and Open Science. She takes part as an expert in several EU Workshops on Open Science. She coordinates the CO-OPERAS Implementation Network in GO FAIR and represents Italy in the OPERAS research infrastructure Core Group. She is OPERAS delegate within the EOSC Association since December 2020. She serves in several Scientific Committees and Advisory Boards. She edits the web portal OA@UniTO.
Her family: a husband, three kids, and a lovely Golden Retriever.

She also loves taking pictures; please feel free to reuse her CC-BY photos from Flickr.

Chair of Session 2: Digital research data in the era of EOSC and FAIR