Dr Sandersan Onie

Dr Sandersan Onie

Black Dog Institute (Australia)

Dr. Sandersan Onie ORCID logo is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Black Dog Institute, UNSW Sydney, with a research focus in mental health and suicide prevention. He leads projects across Asia Pacific, focusing on building suicide prevention research infrastructure in line with open science practices. For example, he is leading Indonesia's first suicide prevention strategy while creating a suicide prevention database where researchers, policymakers and non-profits can access data - addressing the lack of research resourcing. Similarly, he is deeply passionate about building open science practices in the Global South, evidenced by his activities which include leading Indonesia's largest science webinar with a focus on open science, leading invited science policy for the Indonesian government, working together with the International Science Council to build open science across South East Asia, and more recently penning a Nature Comment on building science in the Global South. In addition, he sits on the Society for Improvement of Psychological Science Executive Committee, is the founder and chair of South East Asian Network for Open Science and is the chair for the Emotional Health for All foundation. His work and research have been extensively covered by outlets such as Forbes magazine, CNN, and ABC.

All Sessions by Dr Sandersan Onie