Dr Elena Giglia

Dr Elena Giglia

University of Turin (Turin, Italy)

Elena Giglia ORCID logo, PhD, Masters’ Degree in Librarianship and Masters’ Degree in Public Institutions Management, is Head of the Open Science Unit at the University of Turin.

She was a member (2019-2020) of the Committee on Open Science at the Ministry for University and Research (MUR), in charge of drafting the National Plan Open Science.

She actively collaborates with ICDI – Italian Computer and Data Infrastructure Competence center on Open Science, EOSC and FAIR data, organizing the Open Science café and collaborating with the editorial board of open-science.it.
She is the delegate of OPERAS, the Research Infrastructure for Open Science in the Social Sciences and the Humanities, in the EOSC Association, where she is a member of the Task Force Researchers Engagement and Adoption.
Since 2017, she has been a partner in 8 EU-funded projects.
She has been part of the European Open Science network for many years, attending national and international conferences, and writing and lecturing on Open Access and Open Science. She never stopped learning and attends training courses and workshops.
She takes part as invited expert in several EU Workshops on Open Access and Open Science. She coordinated (2019-2021) the CO-OPERAS Implementation Network in GO FAIR and represents Italy in the OPERAS research infrastructure Executive Assembly. She serves in several Scientific Committees and Advisory boards. She served as one of the Italian National Open Access Desk-NOADs for OpenAIRE. She has edited since 2010 the web portal OA@UniTO, www.oa.unito.it.

Her family: a husband and three kids. She was so lucky to share her life with Luna, a lovely Golden Retriever (2014-2021). In March 2023 she adopted Nala, Luna’s daughter, when her human mum passed away.

She also loves taking pictures; please feel free to reuse her CC-BY photos from Flickr.

Chair of Session 5: Research Evaluation

All Sessions by Dr Elena Giglia

Research Evaluation September 8, 2023
14:00 - 14:05

Welcome and introduction

Watch it on Vimeo

16:50 - 17:00

Wrap-up and closing remarks

Watch it on Vimeo