Dr Bianca Kramer
Utrecht University Library (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Bianca Kramer (@MsPhelps) is a scholarly communication and biomedical librarian at Utrecht University Library, with a strong focus on open science policy and practice, open infrastructure and metadata. She investigates trends in innovations and tool usage across the research cycle in the project 101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication, with special attention to open scholarly infrastructure. She researches and leads workshops on various aspects of scholarly communication (e.g. preprints, peer review, altmetrics) for researchers, students and other stakeholders in scholarly communication, and has an active interest in open access developments and monitoring, as well as in developments around rewards and recognition. She was a member of the EC Expert Group on the Future of Scholarly Communication and Scholarly Publishing and, together with Jeroen Bosman, researched and authored the report “Open Access Potential and Uptake in the Context of Plan S - A Partial Gap Analysis” for cOAlition S.