Catherine Mitchell
California Digital Library, University of California (Oakland, United States)
Catherine Mitchell is Director of Publishing, Archives & Digitization at the California Digital Library, University of California. Through the development of advanced technologies and creative partnerships, this program provides the UC research community with innovative open access publishing and distribution solutions, and aggregates world-class digital collections from libraries, archives, and museums throughout the State of California, serving an array of end users including researchers, scholars, students, and the general public. Program services include eScholarship (UC's Open Access IR/Publishing platform, with 85+ journals), Calisphere (an open gateway to over one million digitized historical images, texts and recordings), and the Google Books/HathiTrust projects. Catherine is also Operations Director of UC’s Office of Scholarly Communication and, in this capacity, is particularly engaged in questions of use, value, authorship, and professional legitimacy. Catherine has a PhD in English Literature from University of California, Berkeley.
Chair of Session 4: Diversity, inclusion and collaboration