Dr Xavier Bertou
Dr. Xavier Bertou is head of the particle and radiation detection laboratory at the Centro Atomico Bariloche, Argentina, and was awarded the 2011 prize in Physics of the Argentinian National Academy of Sciences. He started and coordinates the ANDES underground laboratory initiative since 2011. His research is on ultra-high energy cosmic rays, dark matter, and neutrinos experimental physics.
He led the 2021 Auger Data release as co-task leader within the Auger collaboration.
All OAI12 Sessions by Dr Xavier Bertou
Lightning Talk: The Pierre Auger Observatory Open Data release: not only data
On February 15, 2021, the Pierre Auger Collaboration released a first dataset representing 10% of all its cosmic ray data acquired since 2004. During the 16 months preceding the release, most work went into creating a framework allowing for releasing more than just the high level reconstructed parameters of observed cosmic rays. The framework contains: pseudo-raw data at the detector level, a website providing a complete description of the data as well as their recording and analysis by the Collaboration, an event display for visualising the different detector signals, and a series of analysis notebooks that can be run online to replicate the main physics results published by the Collaboration and improve the understanding of the use of these data. This presentation will focus on the importance and the added value of this framework to help scientists or science enthusiasts delve into the data without being discouraged at first sight.